Big Breaking News From Virginia: Navy aircraft crashes in Virginia waters

According to local accounts, a US Navy plane crashed in Virginia waters on Wednesday evening, and two passengers were rescued while the third died. The plane was completing a routine exercise when it went down, according to Lt. Cmdr. Rob Myers, a public affairs officer with Naval Air Force Atlantic. He confirmed that it was an E2-D from the US Navy. You may like to read this news: Green Tea - 100% Natural And Refreshing There were a total of three passengers on board. According to WAVY, two injured passengers were rescued and one was found dead in the plane. image source: unsplash MARINES KILLED IN NORTH CAROLINA IN JANUARY According to a spokeswoman for the Coast Guard, a helicopter and a motor lifeboat were rushed to the area from Elizabeth City. The exact moment of the incident is unknown, however the Coast Guard was summoned to assist at 7:30 p.m. Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va., expressed her support for the bill on Twitter "The Navy plane disaster in Accomack Cou...